Can you really tell a supplier good or bad by simply checking on their product picture? No kidding, at least half, if not more, of the B2B business are started and done with this way. You type a product name on Alibaba, tons of related or unrelated products come to you, and you start your adventure.

For it existence of almost 30 years, this mode of product searching on B2B platform has proven to be effective, more or less. Say, you are a buyer are looking for simply an off-shelf item, getting to see a lot of product pictures could be efficient. You choose from pictures, chat to their staff, and with some effort on communicating and negotiating (and some luck), you place an order and get your shipment. Perfect world.
Things become more complicate when buyer does not simply looking for a product,but a supplier, a partner. How much chance a nice product picture could really connect you to a good supplier? How can you tell it quality? Their business experience, essentially with customer similar to your own kind? Are they reliable? There are much more information desired to support a sourcing decision, and B2B platform simply miss it out.
A key factor in sourcing is missing - the People. For a same product from same factory, how a salesperson handle could make a real different. How is his/her leverage within the company? Can he/she get all necessary resource to fulfill my order? Or simply, does he/she has the experience to understand my needs? Unfortunately, you couldn’t get any information from Alibaba except it names and a contact.
That why we start . Buyers need more information to locate a good supplier. Sellers, on the other hand, need an opportunity to market themselves more effectively than just showing a product picture with a cheap price tag. In here you will meet sellers of many types: factory owner, veteran seller who know their industry inside out, people from successful brand, or people simply have the skill you are looking for. In manufacturese, you don’t make friend for just getting inspired for career tips or so, you make real business connection - people that sell or buy things from you.
We aim to match in-depth business relationship who want more than cheap product; we aim to match OEM business which buyer couldn’t even find what they want from B2B platform; we aim to match smaller buyers who want to distribute quality branded product to their region. As long as you don’t just look at the price tag, opportunity comes in handy.